Solopreneurship vs. Co-founding

When starting the entrepreneur journey, you have to decide if you want to go solo or with a co-founder. Both paths have their advantages and challenges. In this article I share some of my takes and experiences on both approaches and provide recommendations for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Solopreneurship: The Lone Journey

A solopreneurship journey is a path where you are the sole founder of your business. You are responsible for all aspects of the business, from product development to marketing and customer service. This autonomy allows for swift decision-making and the ability to pivot without the need for consensus.

Advantages of Solopreneurship

  • Full Control: Solopreneurs enjoy complete control over their business decisions, direction, and creative freedom. This autonomy allows for swift decision-making and the ability to pivot without the need for consensus.
  • Simplicity in Operations: With fewer moving parts, solopreneurs can streamline operations and maintain a lean business model, reducing complexity in management and overhead costs.
  • Flexibility: Working alone allows for greater flexibility in work hours, location, and business direction, enabling solopreneurs to adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities.

One advantages of building as a solopreneur is that you can move fast and implement things quickly. That allowed me to build a mvp for one projects in 14 hours. I could take all the decisions and move fast.

Challenges of Solopreneurship

  • Wearing Multiple Hats: Solopreneurs often find themselves juggling multiple roles, from product development to marketing and customer service, which can be overwhelming and lead to burnout. Depending on your own knowledge and skills, you might have to learn new things to keep the business running.
  • Limited Perspectives: Without a team to provide diverse viewpoints, solopreneurs might miss out on valuable insights, leading to biased decisions or overlooked opportunities.
  • Isolation: Working alone can be isolating, and solopreneurs might miss out on the benefits of collaboration and shared experiences.

When to Go Solo

Venturing solo might be the right choice if you have a clear vision, prefer complete control, and are prepared to manage multiple aspects of the business on your own.

Working with a Co-founder

Starting a business with a co-founder can bring a wealth of benefits, including shared responsibilities, diverse skill sets, and emotional support. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, such as potential conflicts and complex decision-making processes.

Advantages of Co-founding

  • Shared Workload: Responsibilities are divided, allowing each co-founder to focus on their strengths, which can lead to increased productivity and innovation.
  • Diverse Skill Sets: A co-founding team brings together varied expertise, offering a well-rounded approach to problem-solving and decision-making. This can be particularly beneficial when brainstorming ideas and making strategic decisions for your business.
  • Emotional Support: The entrepreneurial journey can be emotionally taxing, and having a co-founder can provide much-needed support and motivation.

Challenges of Co-founding

  • Potential for Conflict: Differences in vision, work ethic, or decision-making can lead to conflicts, which might hinder the company's progress. It's important to establish clear communication and conflict resolution strategies from the outset.
  • Difference of Expectations: Co-founders might have different expectations regarding the business's growth, exit strategy, work dedication, or personal goals, which can lead to misalignment and tension. Being transparent with your co-founder and setting clear expectations from the start can help mitigate this challenge.
  • Complex Decision-Making: Achieving consensus on key decisions can be time-consuming and may lead to compromises that neither party is fully satisfied with.

When to Go with a Co-founder

Choosing a co-founder might be beneficial if your business concept requires a broad skill set, or if you value collaboration and shared responsibility in driving your vision forward.

Personally, I strongly recommend to partner with someone who complements your skills and has a similar vision for the business if you can. It's also important to have a clear understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities, as well as a shared commitment to the business's long-term goals.

I am fully conviced that the best way to build a company is with a co-founder. I couldn't have built Veertly and sell it to Swisscom Broadcast if I wouldn't have had Alex and Joschka next to me. The journey is long and having someone to share the ups and downs is crucial.


  • Assess Personal Strengths and Weaknesses: Understand your capabilities and limitations to determine if you need a partner to complement your skill set.
  • Define Roles and Responsibilities: When working with a co-founder, clearly outline roles to avoid overlap and ensure all critical areas are covered. In case you prefer to go solo, consider outsourcing tasks that are outside your expertise but keep the core responsibilities under your control.
  • Embrace Networking: Engage with the entrepreneurial community for support, advice, and potential partnerships, regardless of your chosen path.


The decision to embark on your entrepreneurial journey as a solopreneur or with a co-founder is pivotal and should align with your personal strengths, business needs, and vision.

Each path offers unique opportunities and challenges, and the right choice depends on your individual preferences, goals, and the nature of your business idea. Remember, the journey of entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint; choose the path that you believe will be the most sustainable and fulfilling for you in the long run.

Also, it's ok to change your mind. You might start as a solopreneur and later decide to bring a co-founder on board, or vice versa. The most important thing is to be open to new opportunities and adapt to the changing needs of your business.

I have recorded a podcast episode where I share my experiences and thoughts on this topic. You can listen to it below.

You can check all my podcast episodes on my podcast page.

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